I am pleased to pleased to announce the release of TrueZIP 7.3.1. Except fixing one trivial bug, TrueZIP 7.3.1 is primarily an update to the TrueZIP User Website. The report section of each module has been cleaned up and new documentation has been added. Most noteably, there’s now two articles for key management, one for WinZip AES entries and one for ZIP.RAES files.
Release Notes
Following are the Release Notes for TrueZIP 7.3.1 as compiled by its issue tracker at http://java.net/jira/browse/TRUEZIP:
- [TRUEZIP-162] - TFile.mv(File, File, TArchiveDetector) fails if dst is not a TFile
- [TRUEZIP-164] - Improve Maven build and reports