TrueZIP 7.5.1 released

TrueZIP 7.5.1 has been released. This version improves the handling of TAR files, which now use the default character set instead of just US-ASCII. As usual you can select any other character set by overriding TarDriver.getCharset().

I’ve also improved the web site again - so please visit

Release Notes

Following are the Release Notes as compiled by the project’s issue tracker at


  • [TRUEZIP-240] - de.schlichtherle.truezip.fs.nio.file.FileOutputSocket$1SeekableByteChannel.close() fails indefinitely if the operation on the underlying channel fails once
  • [TRUEZIP-241] - AssertionError with CharConversionException when accessing TAR files with non-US-ASCII characters


  • [TRUEZIP-239] - TFile.createNewFile() should create an empty STORED entry in a ZIP file
  • [TRUEZIP-242] - The TarDriver should use the default character set instead of US-ASCII
  • [TRUEZIP-243] - Improve web site