I am very pleased to announce the release of TrueZIP 7.5. While TrueZIP 7.5 provides only few new features, it fixes a lot of bugs - one of which was a dead lock - and provides lots of improvements regarding its memory footprint, performance and last, but not least, documentation.
I have reworked the website in an attempt to make visiting it a much more appealing user experience, so please have a look at the new https://christian-schlichtherle.bitbucket.io/truezip. Among others, the pages for Getting Started have been reworked and there is now, at long last, a short Tutorial.
I have also added numerous test cases and so I can boldly say that this is the best ever tested release.
As usual, the binary compatibility of the client modules TrueZIP File* and TrueZIP Path has been fully retained, so you do not need to recompile your application code.
If you have written a plug-in driver however, then you should recompile it. I’ve done my best to make the changes in the TrueZIP Kernel not affect the drivers, but I might have overlooked something.
Rather than including the rather long Release Notes at the end of this post, please have a look at them on JIRA at http://java.net/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=11768&version=15411 .
Enjoy TrueZIP!