TrueZIP 7.4.3 released

Just one day after the release of TrueZIP 7.4.2, I was notified about a very unfortunate ZIP64 issue: If an entry >= 4GB size is written to a ZIP file, then this ZIP file will not be readable again by the classes and relatives (including in JSE 7)!

This issue affects the versions 7.3 up to 7.4.2 of the module TrueZIP Driver ZIP. Fortunately, you can easily recover all entries of such a damaged ZIP file using in JSE 7 (JSE 6 does not support ZIP64 extensions) or various command line tools, including the jar utility (Windows, Solaris) in JDK  7 or some third party tools.

The reason why this issue could slip through my test suite is that round-tripping ZIP files > 4GB is way too slow to be practical in an automated test suite and so an automated test for such a big ZIP files does not exist. Hence I have manually tested this issue and fixed it.

Everybody please update the dependencies in your POM or download TrueZIP 7.4.3 from the Maven Central Search Site!

My heartiest apologies to anyone affected.

Release Notes

Following are the Release Notes as compiled by the project’s issue tracker at


  • [TRUEZIP-138] - can’t handle entries of 4GB size or larger
  • [TRUEZIP-139] - IOException when zipping/unzipping entries > 4GB