TrueZIP 7.4 released

I am pleased to announce the release of TrueZIP 7.4. Besides fixing one bug and providing one improvement, this release features the addition of a pluggable extension module for monitoring and management of TrueZIP with JMX and extended logging with java.util.logging.

I’ve kept this module in my trunk for a while, but now it’s finally ready for show time. For more information about it, please refer to its home page at

As usual, all artifacts for this release have been published to Maven Central. Following are the release notes for TrueZIP 7.4 as compiled by its issue tracker at


  • [TRUEZIP-176] - Duplicate key prompting when copying the content of a WinZip AES archive to a RAES encrypted ZIP archive


  • [TRUEZIP-177] - Change name pattern for temporary files in current directory.

New Feature

  • [TRUEZIP-174] - Add pluggable extension for management and monitoring with JMX and java.util.logging