
  • Oct 14, 2011

    TrueZIP 7.3.4 released

    TrueZIP 7.3.4 has been published on Maven Central in order to fix two issues. Gentlemen (and ladies), please update your dependencies. [more...]

  • Oct 5, 2011

    TrueZIP 7.3.3 released

    This is a minor update which just fixes one bug: TRUEZIP-171. The artifacts have been published on Maven Central. Please update your dependencies accordingly. [more...]

  • Oct 4, 2011

    Updated Maven archetype for JavaFX 2.0 in Scala

    I have updated the archetype for JavaFX 2.0 applications in Scala to version 0.4 in order to reflect the release of JavaFX 2.0. Note that the environment variable JAVAFX_HOME must now refer to the base installation directory of the JavaFX 2.0 SDK, not the bin subdirectory anymore. Here are the updated Maven coordinates for the archetype: [more...]

  • Sep 22, 2011

    A Maven archetype for JavaFX 2.0 in Scala

    I have created a simple Maven archetype for building standalone JavaFX 2.0 applications written in Scala. The generated Scala code is a close translation of the Java code for the Colorful Circles demo in Oracle’s Getting Started with JavaFX tutorial. Here’s how it looks: [more...]

  • Sep 14, 2011

    How to use WinZip AES encryption

    TrueZIP 7.3 or later support the WinZip AES encryption and authentication scheme. This post shows you if and how to use it. [more...]

  • Sep 13, 2011

    How to set up Scala 2.8.1 with NetBeans 7.0.1 and Maven 3.0.3

    I’m sick of Java’s low abstraction level which implies lots of coding overhead/boilerplate, so I’ve just started looking at Scala. While the language is definitely appealing, setting up my tool chain was not such a pleasant ride because the information I needed was dispersed across many web pages and well hidden between obsoleted or misleading information. This post shows what I did to succeed so you can use it as a guide line. [more...]

  • Sep 10, 2011

    TrueZIP 7.3.2 released

    I am happy to announce the release of TrueZIP 7.3.2. This version improves the module TrueZIP Driver HTTP(S) and fixes some minor bugs - please upgrade. [more...]

  • Sep 5, 2011

    Future TrueZIP

    Few of you may know that I’m a long term addict to mind mapping. For example, back in 2006, I’ve developed the RAES encryption and authentication scheme using a mind map. This mind map is still available online as part of the source code for TrueZIP. To use it, you need FreeMind. [more...]

  • Sep 5, 2011

    TrueZIP 7.3.1 released

    I am pleased to pleased to announce the release of TrueZIP 7.3.1. Except fixing one trivial bug, TrueZIP 7.3.1 is primarily an update to the TrueZIP User Website. The report section of each module has been cleaned up and new documentation has been added. Most noteably, there’s now two articles for key management, one for WinZip AES entries and one for ZIP.RAES files. [more...]

  • Sep 1, 2011

    TrueZIP 7.3 released

    I am pleased to announce the release of TrueZIP 7.3. TrueZIP 7.3 provides many new features, improvements and bug fixes: The TrueZIP Kernel has been improved a lot, the TrueZIP Driver TAR and TrueZIP Driver ZIP have been changed to use Apache Commons Compress and the TrueZIP Driver ZIP has lots of new features like WinZip AES Encryption, BZIP2 compression and more. Last, but not least, TrueZIP 7.3 is now licensed according to the Eclipse Public License 1.0. [more...]

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